The Dashboard will display Money Owed to You / Money You Owe.
In most cases, the Money Owed to You will represent Unpaid and Overdue invoices. The Money You Owe will represent Unpaid or Overdue purchases.
If any of the amounts on the Dashboard do not represent these figures accurately when drilled down, this could be related to Advanced Payments on a customer or supplier account.
- To find these, go to the customer or supplier page.
- Sort by Outstanding Balance
- If your customer or supplier has a negative Outstanding Balance, this could indicate that an Advanced Payment has been applied to the account, but all invoices or purchases are up to date
To find an Advanced Payment for a customer
- Click on the customer
- Click on Invoices, Stats, etc.
To find an Advanced Payment for a supplier
- Click on the customer
- Click on Purchases and Stats
The Advanced Payment will be on the bottom right hand side
To delete an Advanced Payment
- Click on the entry.
- In the bank transaction screen, select the little tick box on the far right of the transaction
- Click Delete at the top right hand corner of the screen