Important note: Before importing Invoice Payments you will need to create your invoices or import them in to KashFlow.
Required Fields
The Invoice Payments import requires three critical fields;
- Invoice Number – this is the invoice number that the payment will be applied to – it must be a number and already exist in KashFlow– i.e. “101”
- Paid Date – this is the date that Invoice was paid, it must be in DD/MM/YYYY format – i.e. “01/01/2012”
- Paid Amount – this is the amount that was Paid against the Invoice, it must be a number to a maximum of two decimal places and not include the currency symbol– i.e. “10.99”
Optional Fields
The other optional fields you can have are listed below, along with a description, how it should be formatted and example text:
- Paid Account – this is the Nominal Code of the Bank Account that the Payment was paid into, the Nominal Code is available in your Chart of Accounts – i.e. “5000”
- Payment Note – this can be a note regarding the payment – i.e. “Payment was a day late”
- Payment Method – this is the method that the Customer paid you – it must already be defined in your Payment Methods – i.e. “Cash”
Uploading the template
To import
Settings > Import Data > Import CSV Files > Enter in your Username & Password (Please note if you have specified an alternative API Password you would need to use it here) > CSV > Invoice Payment > Upload your file > Tick the box ‘ My first row contains column headings; if appropriate > Use the drop downs to map the file > Import
Please note, if the CSV file contains any special characters such as, ‘ ; ( ) {} & * £ $ “ ” <> ? / @ ~ # etc… Please remove as these may cause errors to the import process.