Money Owed to You/You Owe not displaying not matching when drilled down

The Dashboard will display Money Owed to You / Money You Owe.

In most cases, the Money Owed to You will represent Unpaid and Overdue invoices. The Money You Owe will represent Unpaid or Overdue purchases.

Google Chrome 5


Google Chrome

If any of the amounts on the Dashboard do not represent these figures accurately when drilled down, this could be related to Advanced Payments on a customer or supplier account.

  • To find these, go to the customer or supplier page.
  • Sort by Outstanding Balance
  • If your customer or supplier  has a negative Outstanding Balance, this could indicate that an Advanced Payment has been applied to the account, but all invoices or purchases are up to date

Google Chrome 3

To find an Advanced Payment for a customer

To find an Advanced Payment for a supplier

The Advanced Payment will be on the bottom right hand side

To delete an Advanced Payment

  • Click on the entry.
  • In the bank transaction screen, select the little tick box on the far right of the transaction
  • Click Delete at the top right hand corner of the screen


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