This help article advised on how the Money Owed and Money You Owe figures on the overview page are calculated.
The figures can appear to be inaccurate because when you click on these to drill down KashFlow simply displays a list of unpaid invoices or receipts where as these figures more closely resemble the Aged Debtors and Aged Creditors reports.
Money Owed
This figure consists of all unpaid and overdue invoices (as of the current date) minus any part payments on these invoices and any advanced payments assigned to these customers.
Therefore if you have one outstanding invoice with a gross of £100 yet the customer has already paid £25 and the advanced payment has not been allocated to the invoice the Money Owed figure on the overview page will be £75. For information on advanced payments please click here.
Money You Owe
This figure consists of all unpaid and overdue receipts (as of the current date) minus any part payments on these receipts and any advanced payments assigned to these suppliers.
Therefore if you have one outstanding receipt with a gross of £100 yet you have already sent a payment to the supplier for £25 and the advanced payment has not been allocated to the receipt the Money You Owe figure on the overview page will be £75.